2018August 8, 2018 5W Quiz games collection Define and develop a collection of 5 quiz type games based on 5W magazine content Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress EXAMPLE: Game to choose the chronicle’s country on a map EXAMPLE: Game for associate images to geographical areas Chart showing the preferences result based on choices manage and design of the entire project Revista 5 Working with Outliers Óscar Marín Miró – Definition, data harvest and d3 visualizations
2017December 6, 2017 Third Pole Geolab Style and code web-template for custom interactive maps loading dynamic data Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress Project Link http://www.thirdpolegeolab.org Client One Big Robot Integrate markup, styles and animated maps based on scroll interaction D3 interactive choropleth with slider interaction Project images and shapes on leaflet.js projection Generated landscapes Eastern Nepal Kyrgyzstan Mongolia Pakistan Bhutan India
2017December 6, 2017 Visualizations for academic research Help to define and develop visualizations for “Ageing democracies”, a scientific investigation breaking stereotypes about conservadurism Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress Project link http://innova.outliers.es/AD/ Client CCCB Interactive timeline highligthting time periods Interactive shared axis chart showing ideological and economic conservadurism across Europe Working with Outliers Óscar Marín Miró - Definition, data harvest and d3 visualizations
2016December 7, 2017 ADCE Interactive archive Define and integrate a new digital interactive archive coming from traditional printed catalogue Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress Project link http://www.adceurope.org/annual2016/ Client Arts Directors Club Europe Homepage custom visualizations List winners and jury participants Detail page for works integrating media as video or images gallery Page is fully reactive to archive operations using visualization charts to show the results and his distribution Visualizations and list before apply any filter operation After the filtering operation the treemap updates his shape according to results and showing distribution Working with Outliers Óscar Marín Miró - Definition, data harvest and d3 visualizations Eva Álvarez - Definition and design
2014December 7, 2017 Multisite wordpress templates Manage, create and integrate drag&drop editable wordpress templates for multisite / custom data visualizations Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress Client http://innaxis.org Results of my collaboration http://innaxis.org/resilience/ http://innaxis.org/securedatacloud/the-project/ Working with Outliers Alex González - Data harvest and d3 visualizations
2013December 7, 2017 Pangea Low Cost Personal projects with the aim of visualizing continent shape changes on a map when applying a ratio betwen distance and price in low cost flights Define Design Develop Discover Visualize ajax Chernoff-faces choropleth d3 git gulp javascript jQuery leaflet map php sass UI UX wordpress Project link http://wip.hermesite.net/pangea Client Personal project Map center on a predefined airport and shows all the avaliable destinations based on data form kayak.com A new origin can be selected form dropbox The map reacts changing his center to the new origin airport Date can be also selected retrieving data for this day avaliable flights By selecting any destination from map the shape changes overlaping and masking projections. In this screeen the destination goes closer form origin In this case the destination moves away from the origin Last but not least Explore other pangea maps Pangea Atlantis Pangea Mercator Pangea Delaunay